Olimp Nutrition Gold Omega3 Sport Edition 120 Capsule
85,00 lei
Pentru compoziția nutritivă
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Olimp Nutrition Gold Omega3 Sport Edition 120 Capsule
Olimp Gold Omega 3 este un supliment sub forma de capsule cu ulei de peste, bogat in acizi grasi de tip omega-3.
Nu exista nici un secret in faptul ca uleiul de peste prezinta multiple beneficii asupra organismului nostru. Pe langa faptul ca uleiul de peste poate reduce inflamatiile si are efecte pozitive asupra sistemului digestiv, beneficiile uleiului de peste pot include si cresterea densitatii osoase, arderea grasimilor si imbunatatirea sistemului nervos.
Acizii grasi Omega-3 joaca un rol in aproape toate procesele care au loc in interiorul oganismului, atunci cand incercati sa construiti sau sa mentineti masa musculara, sa slabiti sau sa va recuperati dupa o boala. S-a demonstrat ca acizii grasi Omega 3 (EPA si DHA) promoveaza oxidarea grasimilor, cresc sensibilitatea la insulina si incurajeaza arderea caloriilor.
– intareste sistemul imunitar;
– o sursa bogata in omega-3;
– ajuta la arderea grasimilor.
Gold Omega 3® sport edition is a dietary supplement recommended for athletes who really take care of their health. It contains premium coldwater-fish oil concentrate, rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are labelled as essential unsaturated fatty acids (EUFA), and they should be included in every diet without exception. The results of numerous clinical studies show that consuming omega-3 acids helps maintain the proper functioning of the body.
Since it is difficult to provide the body with sufficient quantities of such acids with food, taking appropriate supplements is recommended. Since the intake of those components within the diet is often insufficient, it is advisable to supply them in the form of appropriate preparations containing omega-3 acids.
Research has shown that incorporating appropriate amounts of omega-3 acids into the diet:
– contributes to the proper functioning of the heart (the result of consuming a total of at least 250 mg of EPA and DHA acids per day)
– helps maintain the proper level of triglycerides (the result of consuming a total of at least 2 g of EPA and DHA acids per day)
– helps maintain healthy blood pressure (the result of consuming a total of at least 3 g of EPA and DHA acids per day)
– helps maintain healthy brain functions (the result of consuming a total of at least 250 mg of DHA per day)
– helps maintain healthy vision (beneficial results of consuming 250 mg of DHA per day).
Optimum dose and time of taking the supplement: 1 capsule per day, preferably with a meal containing fat. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Dietary supplements cannot be used as a substitute for a balanced diet.
Olimp Gold Omega 3 sport edition works best if used together with pro-health supplements offered by Olimp Laboratories. During strenuous workout sessions, it is also recommended that vitamins and minerals be replenished in the appropriate proportions determined for athletes, based on scientific research: Vita-Min Multiple Sport™, Chela-MZB® Sport Formula, Chela-MIN® Sport Formula.
Olimp Gold Omega 3 Mod de administrare:
Se administreaza 1 capsula/zi.
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